I am pleased to announce that all our Y13 students successfully met all the IB CAS requirements and passed, even though some of them still need to continue with their service and finish their reflections. The final few lessons were a celebration of their achievements, and the last one we enjoyed with delicious coffee and cakes. Here you may find an example of one final presentation so please take a look. Well done, Y13 team!
In Year 12 we have an amazing group of students working on The Oracle school magazine, and the Smile project, keeping elderly people company, tutoring groups and a new upcoming project to provide buddies for young Ukrainian refugees. We also recently had a small team attend our annual Colours of Charity, where Josefina’s picture was sold for 3000 CZK (the black and white one) to support Doctors without borders. Great job!
Iveta Slavětínská
CAS coordinator