Events & Calendars

August 2024

Summer Activity Programme on August 9th
We are delighted to announce that we will host the annual Summer Activity Programme at Nessie, Prague 5, Nad Bertramkou...
End-of-Year Celebration & Prize-Giving Ceremony on August 20th
The End-of-Year Celebration and Prize-Giving Ceremony was a remarkable event held at Ledeburská Zahrada, Valdštejnská 158/14, marking the achievements and milestones...
Graduation Ball 2024 Photos on August 20th
On Friday, June 7th, we hosted the grand Graduation Ball at the prestigious Žofín Palace. This beautiful building with its...
Happy Summer Holidays! on August 20th
The summer term brings a mix of pride, happiness, and a touch of sadness. It is a time to celebrate a year of achievements...