Over the month of December, Year 1 have been working tirelessly to get ready for our winter show! The show was about Frosty, the happiest snowman in the winter wonderland! With a beaming carrot nose, coal eyes that twinkle with joy, and a big, friendly smile, Frosty spreads happiness wherever he goes. This included learning six brand new songs, lots of actions and all of our individual lines. We have been spending lots of time practising our song lyrics with Miss Rosie, helping Miss Zöe and Mrs Martina with props and costumes, and learning our individual lines with Mrs Tina and Miss Victoria.

We performed our show in front of all of our parents, carers, siblings and others and it was a roaring success! Everyone remembered all of their lines and made it the best show ever. We’re all so proud of ourselves and each other! Afterwards we celebrated with a party in our classrooms with delicious food and some festive tunes!

Miss Zoe Pickering
Teaching Partner