With great pride we would like to announnce that this year’s graduates will have the Graduation Ball at the Žofín Palace on Friday 2nd June 2023.

We look forward to this wonderful annual event and we wish good luck to our Year 13 students with their IB Results ! This will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate their hard work and wish them well in their future adventures.

Three years ago we had the pleasure to launch the Park Lane Alumni Association and we hope that also all of our Park Lane Graduates 2023 will be able to share their stories and experiences of university admissions or their “new life” with our current students. We look forward to meetings, sessions and workshops held not only for our students but also for our wider Park Lane community, as well as future Alumni conferences and other Alumni events to stay connected with all of our graduates in future.

Enjoy the video from last year’s Graduation Ball.

Best wishes,

Park Lane International School