We would like to invite parents, teachers and children to join us in the Cross Country race at PARKLANE MILE 2023 contest in the nearby park Nad Bateriemi on Wednesday 27th September from 9.00am till 12.30pm.

The children will compete individually and collect the points for their House. We would like children to wear House T-shirt on that day. The categories will go year by year and the girls will run separately from the boys.

9.00 – 10.30 EY & KS1 (Y1,Y2)
60m to 400m (1 lap)

10.15 Parents/ Teachers run KS1 and KS2 parents
Teachers/Parents ladies: 800m (2laps)
Teachers/ Parents men: PL Mile (4 laps)

10.30 – 12.30 KS2 (Y3 – Y6)
From 400m up to PL Mile (1600m)

We look forward to meeting you all there on this popular event !