The parent and staff members present ensured that pupils from all key stages were represented at a meeting which focused first on Park Lane’s well developed and comprehensive approach to careers education and university guidance, with an engaging, interactive presentation led by Mrs. Emma Emerich, ably supported by Ms. Susann Weissová and Mrs. Irena Paškevičová.

This was followed by presentations from Mr. Jakub Zalopa and Mr. Bartek Zajac on the benefits and challenges of AI’s rapidly growing impact on the education sphere, and how the school is responding across the EYFS/Primary and Secondary stages. As intended, these presentations provoked an interesting discussion focusing on how Park Lane and educators in general should embrace the learning opportunities offered by AI, while remaining fully cognisant of the potential dangers and pitfalls. It was especially helpful to have parent experts present to lend extra weight and value to a discussion which homed in on the need for educators and parents to come to terms with AI as an absolute ‘game-changer’ – and the fundamental importance of training our children and young people to sustain and develop their critical thinking skills while carefully navigating (and ethically utilising) the growing opportunities of a new paradigm.

Many thanks to our presenters and to all the parents and staff who attended PLPF #2.

The second session of the PLPF was held on the evening of Monday 27th May at our Úvoz IBD centre

Paul Ingarfield