What was a typical childhood pastime in the 1980s for Czech children is now coming back with a twist. Students of Y8 tried to jump rope last Friday as part of the “Let’s Connect” workshop.

Connections and relationships bind us throughout our lives, from the very beginning, whether deep or temporary. During this workshop, we experienced situational connections through shared activity, by experiencing fun, collaboration, support and challenge. In addition, we were reminded of the endless benefits of jumping – the need to focus fully on movement, practicing rhythm, memory, coordination, engaging both hemispheres of the brain at once, deepening breathing, strengthening muscles – so many things at once that there is no opportunity to think about anything but experiencing the here and now moment – what an easy and unique relaxing exercise.

You can ask your child if he/ she remembers the poem that goes with jump roping.  And those of you, who are of Czech origin, and parents, try to remember how it was back in your days… 🙂