Every year, we give Park Lane students the opportunity to start school by getting to know each other better and forging lasting relationships. An essential part of this process is establishing positive and meaningful relationships with their peers and teachers. In order to facilitate this, students in all year groups will have the chance to spend an entire day with their peers as well as the pastoral team (Heads of Year and Tutors) in what we call a Team Building Day.

This year, we are excited to be going back to Action Park for a fun-packed day, filled with exciting activities. The schedule is as follows:

  • Friday, September 8th – Years 7 and 8

  • Tuesday, September 12th – Years 9 and 10

Each day, the students will come to school as usual and travel to Action Park via the school bus and return to school around 15.30. Packed lunches will be provided for students on the day.

Year 11 and KS5 students will have similar opportunities throughout the year and we look forward to sharing information about those events with you closer to the time.