“Hello, my name is Filip Lamáček. I joined Park Lane in Year 7 with a very limited set of
English skills, having come from a Czech state school. The first year was really tough for me given that I had to switch to learning all subjects in English. Park Lane really helped me through this difficult transition. I learned English relatively fast and adapted to the school very well. I enjoyed all my years at Park Lane and continually felt that I belonged to the community. The last two years of IB were the toughest because they presented new challenges of more demanding academic workload, mainly in terms of essay writing. On the other hand, the same two years helped me prepare and easily adapt to university, which to me, was not that big of a leap in terms of the level of difficulty compared to the IB. I have been at university for only a few weeks but I am pleased with the experience so far. Certainly, I believe that it is in part due to the great preparation of Park Lane.”