Albert Einstein: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
At Park Lane International School children receive a British education at the highest international level in combination with an extensive Czech programme. The School teaches children to think, to find solutions, to collaborate and to help each other, skills children will need all their lives.

Jan A.
Overwhelming support and always striving to give their best efforts. These are the core values we appreciate at Park Lane International School. Our two daughters are seriously upset when they are about to miss a single school day. There could hardly be a better recommendation than this.

Jana and Štěpán T.
Currently we have both daughters in Park lane and we are happy to say that the atmosphere in school is open-minded. The teaching staff respect kids’ personalities and teach them not only knowledge but also how to cooperate, how to build their self-estimation, critical thinking and discuss topics in respectful and kind way.
We have never heard from our kids that they are not looking forward to go to school, both are eager to learn and acquire new information. They are happy to be with their classmates and friends from school. Both are eager to learn, not afraid to ask questions and on top respect different points of view and different cultures.
Our big thanks to school staff and board.

Alice M.
Our son has attended Park Lane for over 5 years now and we are very happy to have found such an excellent school in Prague. It is great to see him progress both academically and socially. The atmosphere of the school is very inspiring; teachers are not only experienced but sincerely caring. From Principal to support staff, everyone is always going the extra mile in their jobs. We would not hesitate to highly recommend the school.

Andrea and Pavel Ch.
For me and my husband the key priority is the high quality international education of our kids but also the strong values that the school teaches the kids. That’s why we have chosen Park Lane – we want to ensure that our kids will be successful individuals in the international environment. For us as Czech family is also very important to have the high quality Czech program available at Park Lane.
Ivana L.
We have three children at Park Lane; it is our fifth year in this school.
The school is run in the spirit of a dialogue, not an autocratic monologue: children feel they have a say and are encouraged to develop their opinions. The staff is very forthcoming with parents: they try to help them with their ideas and concerns, no matter how small or unusual they may be. Our children simply love going there - for the teachers, the friends, for the learning and other activities... They even miss school when they're on holidays.
Children are treated as individuals, with their specific needs, goals and desires, which should help them with whatever life throws their way later on.

Masha and Irenej I.
As an International family living and working in the heart of Europe, an international education for our daughter was of paramount importance to my wife and myself. When we were searching for an International school we were looking for something which would provide our daughter with a very defined and planned educational path through the important primary and secondary years but also with a constant eye on the essential future, when with the correct and professional support our daughter will, we hope, have the opportunity to explore the very best of international universities and beyond. Our desire as parents is to provide our child with the best educational experience possible, we are really trying to find teachers who care as much we do about our child’s future, this can prove to be a challenge. Read more here

Jimmy W.
Fantastic locations, great teachers, small classes plus visible progress and growing independence of children.
Pavel K.
"Our three daughters have gradually entered Park Lane since its opening at Prague 6 in 2009. Although English was our main objective, other positive factors quickly prevailed, including an individual approach, open and motivating learning environment and a diverse school community. For the last six years I have been amazed to see my children grow into happy, hungry and motivated learners with confident and kind personalities, who have built strong international friendships. They are open-minded, kind and respectful and I trust that Park Lane shall prepare them exceptionally well for their further life journeys. We as family are proud to be part of the Park Lane community and we truly believe it is the No.1. international school in Prague."
Tomáš K.
I came to Park Lane for the last two years of high school to study the IB. It was a great experience. Park Lane is a small and cozy private school. Teachers, the level of education and support provided for each student is amazing, including the lunches which are very delicious. During the two years of IB at Park Lane I learned a lot academically and also many life lessons. I think this school prepared me very well for university and generally for my future. I am planning to finish my studies in 3 or 4 years and to start working in a consulting firm. Another path that I might take is to finish learning programming, which I started in the computer science class at Park Lane. At first it wasn't easy for me, but then as I got more into it I realized that I like it. I am still learning programming in my free time and I hope it will become my second job.
Irina Pishchikova
“I am currently studying Physics at DePaul University in Chicago. I am planning
on joining the joint Physics and Engineering that DePaul runs with the Illinois Institute of Technology in my third year. Moving to Chicago was quite tricky at first as all of our courses were online, and so it was more challenging than usual to meet as many other students as you might in normal circumstances. My teachers at Park Lane prepared me well for my transition to college, and I was able to adapt quickly to my new environment. A big thank you to Ms Banna, who helped me prepare all of my applications and essays for schools in the UK and the US. I spent seven years at Park Lane and am happy for the chance to have studied there. I had a great number of excellent teachers who were always there to help when I would get stuck and were even content to do so. Thanks to all of the teachers that had in the seven years that I was there!”
Benny Jetton
I’ve always lived life in the fast lane, went to elementary school at the age of five, graduated at seventeen and started university at this same age. I am extremely grateful to be a part of the class of 2020. We are the first year group to have graduated from Park Lane, while being in a global pandemic at the same time. I hope this will one day be that kind of a story I get to tell my grandkids about and it will make me look like a hero haha. As a person who’s always been very creative, I decided to pursue my passion and study Creative Media Production at the Prague College. Besides that, I am currently extending my portfolio in photography and starting out as a freelance photographer. I hope that one day I can inspire people all around the world with my work. At the same time, I am beyond excited to see how my classmates from Park Lane will blossom in their own interests. As the slogan of Park Lane goes, I truly do believe that my high school has prepared us well for the unknown occupations of tomorrow and for that I am forever grateful.
Caroline Barnettová
“Hey hey hey! I am Adele and in the famous year of 2020, I graduated from Park Lane International School in Prague. I attended Park Lane for 7 years and ufffff, it has been a wild ride! Now that I am studying at the University of Sussex, I realize just how grateful I am to the school and all it has taught me. Also, I am honestly thankful for doing the rigorous IB program, as it has prepared me for the unknown world of university. Even though I am loving my new ‘educational chapter’ in life, I do miss the Valdstejnska site views and the Klarov attic classrooms. The Park Lane community has been my family for many years, and I am glad I spent my teenage era with them. The show, however, must go on and so my eyes are now set on psychology. In two years, I plan to explore the world a little more and study a year abroad in either Asia or Australia— but let's not get ahead of ourselves, we will see what happens. I will tell you all about it at the Park Lane alumni reunion!”
Adele Kodl
“Now that I have begun my university studies and I’m being flooded with work, I have to admit that my 7 years at Park Lane have prepared me well for it all. When I first joined the school, I was definitely not what you call ‘academically gifted’ and my dyslexia didn’t help the situation either. However, with the help of the school and some great teachers over the years, I built a strong work ethic that has enabled me to achieve grades that I never would have expected 7 years ago. Granted I was lucky enough to get my IB grades without ever seeing the test paper, my time at Parklane and experience during the IB is what really mattered. It has helped me tremendously in adapting to my new uni life. Along with that, I had the pleasure of meeting the most amazing group of friends that I expect to keep for years to come — unless Shunyata becomes a cult leader and I never see him again. Nevertheless, I will always look back at my time at Parklane with joy and I’m very grateful for that.”
Liam Moeller
“Hi! My name is Mariana and I am currently enrolled at the Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, studying General Medicine. I made the decision to undertake the IB Diploma Programme at Park Lane in Autumn 2018 and let me tell you why this was the best decision I’ve ever made. The biggest thank you that I owe to Park Lane is for teaching me to be confident in myself and my own beliefs. Theory of Knowledge, Global Politics and English classes taught me how to develop and express relevant arguments. Our IB Maths teacher, apart from making me work hard on my (dreaded) maths homework, taught me not to apologize for asking questions, however dumb they may sound. Mr. Čihák, our IB coordinator showed me that problems are not to be swept under the rug but rather solved immediately. All of these are soft skills that I value deeply and will always be grateful to Park Lane for showing me their importance. Not only did my school prepare me well academically for the difficult medicine entrance exams, but most importantly supported my classmates and I in becoming respectful individuals and members of society❤.”
Marianna Ahmadova
“Four years at this school and as I write this after graduating, I realize what a journey it was. For that, I have my friends, teachers, and the school to thank. I am extremely grateful to *some* of my teachers who helped me get to where I am by challenging and motivating me to achieve things I never thought I could. My time in Park Lane can be perfectly described using a roller coaster analogy; it was a wild ride. I look back at when I came to the school after living in Costa Rica. I struggled to get accustomed to the very dissimilar culture and academic expectations. I was introduced to classes such as computer science, economics (ironic, I know), and psychology. I can’t deny it, my grades were god awful when I first came. Now though, I can confidently say that I wouldn’t have had it any other way because I learnt that when I was knocked down, with the help of everyone around me, I would manage to get myself back up. Class of 2020, the truth is, I’m glad I had the opportunity to share these years with all of you... I am extremely relieved that we finally finished the IB (without even doing the exams hehe) and I will always look back at this experience with joy.”
Shreyas Chhabra
“Hi, I am Tom Johnson and I graduated from Park Lane in 2020. I am currently reading law at the University of Glasgow, which ranked 2nd in the UK for law in 2019. Upon finishing university, I would like to pursue a career in the legal profession. I consider my time at Park Lane an integral chapter of my education as a whole. I joined the school in 2014 and I can say that I do not regret it in the slightest. Park Lane put the success of its students above everything else. One of the most notable things about it, is that it is not just a school, but a community. It has the perfect environment to balance learning and diversion. Students at Park Lane are surrounded by extremely hardworking teachers and supporting staff — something that reassured and motivated me to do my best. I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today without my time at Park Lane.”
Tom Johnson
“I only joined Park Lane for the International Baccalaureate programme that the school offers, however, I must say that those two years have definitely been the most beneficial and fascinating for me in terms of my secondary education. Not only did I feel like the teachers truly pushed me to discover my potential, they also helped me decipher my interests to narrow down what I enjoyed the most and would want to study at university. What shocked me the most at this school were my classmates, who were very different to any other collective I had experienced before, and I mean that in a very good way. All the students and teachers made me feel included and valued— that still remains my favourite thing about Park Lane. Currently, I am studying ‘Strategy, Intelligence and Security’ at my dream school, Aberystwyth University, in a lovely town at the coast of Wales. Although COVID-19 has made ‘the university experience’ different for all students this year, I am definitely at a very happy point in my life.”
Michaela Mislerova
“Hi, I am Paul Popovich and I graduated from Park Lane in 2020. I currently study Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London, which is among the top few universities in the world regarding the quality of this course. When I graduate from university, I not only hope but am very likely to take up a career in pharmaceutical manufacture or sustainable energy development. I owe much of my place at this university, as well as my career prospects, to my time at Park Lane. I’ve been a part of Park Lane since 2013 and if there is one thing I recall from the 7 years I studied there, it’s that my success was always their priority. Not only did they put my juvenile mind on course to think about what I wanted to do with my life, but they guided me every step of the way, not just as an institution, but on a human level as well. Something I will always look back at fondly is the way all teachers and staff cared about us as people and in some cases worked to literal exhaustion to help us when we needed it most.”
Paul Popovich
“My student life at Park Lane began when I was only 7 years old, so one could say that by the time I graduated, I had become one of the ‘elders’ amongst the school community. Starting my journey in Year 2, I was the only student in the class. Yet, as time passed, I saw both the school grow and myself advance alongside it. For me, being a part of the school’s community was the greatest gift. At Park Lane, I formed friends for life and made memories I will never forget; this is also something I will always cherish. After graduating, I was accepted to a four year bachelor's degree programme in Neuroscience and Psychology at King’s College London. The city has now become my new home where I spend most of my time doing… well… the traditional things university students tend to do.”
Magdalena Novotna
“I'm David. I am studying to be a professional pilot at the Czech Technical University (ČVUT). By the end of my three-year bachelor degree program, I should have 270 hours of flight time and become one of the youngest people in the Czech Republic to obtain an ATPL (Air Transport Pilot License). In a class of 24 other pupils sharing a profound passion for aviation, my peers and I have already become a family. This bond I’ve established with the students is even more impressive when you know we haven't met each other in person. All my classes have been online and will most likely be for another six months. Park Lane has shaped me into a resilient student, not by telling me, but by showing me. This personal quality has allowed me to power through the drawbacks of current distance learning. The reason I am studying at my desired school today is because of the staff at Park Lane who worked hard to get my IB diploma translated (into Maturita) in-time to be accepted into ČVUT. Since my first day at Park Lane (end of Year 6), they have taken my education seriously, even when I didn't. The 'Five Rs' represent the school, staff, and students of Park Lane and has made adapting into university easy.”
David Dana
“2020 is definitely a year to remember. Not only did we pass our IB programme without
any exams, but we also lived through history. I attended Parklane only for two years. They were not special or different from any other years of my life. However, I managed to meet a number of incredible and fascinating people. Some, I am excited to see become famous in the future and others I am proud to call my closest friends. I got into the university of my dreams, however, due to the global pandemic, I was not able to move to the abroad destination. Was I sad about it? Definitely! On the other hand, this circumstance or rather opportunity has allowed me to discover myself. It also has allowed me to relax, realize what are my real values in life and what I truly want to do in the future. I finally have more time to dedicate to my passion for singing and art. I’ve also had a lovely opportunity to model for a small vintage fashion shop. Truly, I am the happiest I have ever been and hope to grow only happier – wherever I will be in life.”
Anastasia Chernousova
“I did not, contrary to my aspirations and initial plans, embark on any university journey after graduating from Park Lane. A couple of rejections from institutions came my way and blew me off to an unexpected path, what was in my view at the time, a very dreaded gap year. After having an existential crisis during summer, I regained clarity on the uncontrollable circumstances of life. I understood that I am not defined by the university I attend (or don’t), nor that my capacity for intellectual growth is reliant on others' guidance. Perhaps this is rather trivial, but as a young adult, it was a transformative lesson. Park Lane installed within me, during a relatively short two years, the ability to accept failure as a price for success and adopt a growth-mindset about the opportunities I could seize. Following these realizations, I reconnected with the school to offer my assistance and have been gifted with the opportunity to be a part of their community, yet again. I now work as a student support assistant, offering my insights and help to future graduates, whilst learning from the best of Park Lane staff. In 2021, I hope to pursue a bachelor's degree in Psychology somewhere abroad. For now, I am happily enjoying my valuable experiences and stress free year.”
Leonela Nikollaj
“Hello, my name is Filip Lamáček. I joined Park Lane in Year 7 with a very limited set of
English skills, having come from a Czech state school. The first year was really tough for me given that I had to switch to learning all subjects in English. Park Lane really helped me through this difficult transition. I learned English relatively fast and adapted to the school very well. I enjoyed all my years at Park Lane and continually felt that I belonged to the community. The last two years of IB were the toughest because they presented new challenges of more demanding academic workload, mainly in terms of essay writing. On the other hand, the same two years helped me prepare and easily adapt to university, which to me, was not that big of a leap in terms of the level of difficulty compared to the IB. I have been at university for only a few weeks but I am pleased with the experience so far. Certainly, I believe that it is in part due to the great preparation of Park Lane.”
Filip Lamacek
“I'm Viktorie Anna Hanausková and I have studied at Park Lane since Year 7, the very beginning of the school's establishment. I completed my highschool studies by successfully graduating with an IB diploma in 2020. Park Lane provided me with many experiences both within and beyond school grounds. Thanks to the IB programme, I have not only been able to focus on subjects of my interest, but I have also discovered new ones through CAS, a complementary component of the curriculum. I am currently studying at the University of New York in Prague (UNYP) and I am majoring in Psychology. I am glad that I have had the chance to be a part of the Park Lane community since their opening and that I have graduated with the feeling of fulfilment.”
Viki Hanausková
Hey, I’m Natalie and I graduated from Park Lane in 2021. One of the things I learned throughout my studies is that life doesn’t always go as planned, but you can surely meet it halfway. As a year group we were put into several unexpected situations, but always encouraged to get back on our feet, no matter the setback. I can thank Park Lane for making us feel like the future really is in our hands. I made several unforgettable memories, lifelong relationships and gained valuable knowledge. Ultimately, I aspire to be as loving and wise as our teachers, dedicated and admirable as my classmates and positive as the atmosphere at Park Lane. I am thankful for everyone that made my journey through high school this pleasant and I look forward to what the future holds.
Natalie Janků
Hello hello, I am Laura and I graduated in the very chaotic year of 2021. I am hopefully going to be attending a double degree at the universities Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích and Johannes Kepler Universität. Park Lane is the only school I ever attended, so it is a given that I will miss it greatly, but I am also looking forward to my university studies. What I will miss the most is the supportive community of teachers and students that helped me grow and overcome challenges as well as create fond memories. All the hours spent writing essays and studying for tests together with the valuable feedback and constructive criticism I received have helped me improve on skills that I am sure I will be relying on at university, and I can't wait to put them to the test!
Laura Nosková
I started attending Park Lane in 2015 and since then, I have had the opportunity to learn as well as form life-lasting friendships. Park Lane has taught me and prepared me for university to its best ability and made me a sought after student. Teachers at Park Lane have always focused on skills that students are good at and nourished them which I believe played a big part in forming who I am now. The Parklane community is very supportive and helpful and I am glad that I could attend this school and make so many memories with such great people. I have been accepted to the University of Economics and Business (VŠE) in Prague and I will be studying International studies and Diplomacy. I am looking forward to my time at university!
Marco Mancin
This testimonial is a reminiscence on the seven years I have spent at Park Lane International School. To me, Park Lane is a symbol of metamorphosis, and whether I like to admit it or not, my experiences at that school have inevitably shaped me to be the person who I am today. Although only recently have I discovered that perhaps the most important takeaway from my secondary education might not have been the knowledge I gathered, but rather the realisation, that no amount of academic success can replace the happiness and personal sacrifice necessary to get there. As I continue to reach even greater heights, whether academically or personally, my only recommendation to future students is to only follow the paths that they truly desire – to move, with total freedom, from one pleasure to another – as that is what it truly means to be successful.
Jakub Cvrček
I joined Park Lane four years ago after spending nine years in a Czech primary school. Although switching to a completely different system was challenging at the start, I will forever be grateful for this experience. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme was demanding and very often incredibly exhausting, nevertheless, it taught me discipline, resilience and how to work effectively under pressure. Moreover, Park Lane has given me a tremendous amount of possibilities to self-actualize and work on my own projects. I hope to utilise all the skills and habits that Park Lane gave me during my university studies. Although it is still in the stars where my final university destination will be, I am planning on studying Business Management at undergraduate level. If I would have to point out one thing that I will remember the most from my high school years, it is how much my teachers cared about my success and how much they pushed me to reach my full potential.
Adela Karlová
Hey there, I’m Jason Wang from the class of 2021! After a rocky two years of IB and a further twelve at Park Lane, I’ll be attending the University of Toronto at St. George with a prospective double major in Computer Science and Mathematics. Throughout my time at Park Lane, I’ve seen the school go from a single small building tucked away in Prague 5 to a reputable establishment with campuses across the city. Alongside a few others, I’ve truly grown up at Park Lane and, if there’s one thing that I can take away from my time here, it’s a love of learning. As corny as that sounds, it’s true – my teachers have helped shape me into a more curious, knowledgeable and resourceful person, something that I am eternally grateful for as it serves for the foundation of my transition to university and probably beyond as well. While the journey hasn’t been completely smooth sailing, I’ll always look back fondly to my time at Park Lane. Thank you to all my teachers and the school as a whole for helping to make me who I am today.
Jason Wang
Hi, my name is Kristyna Zemanova. I graduated from Park Lane International School in the year of 2021. I attended Park Lane for 5 years and what an experience it has been - the first few months were tough, but now, five years later I am so grateful for the opportunity to study at this school. The last 2 years of doing the rigorous IB Diploma were one of the hardest years of my life with the constant thoughts of giving up, but I kept on going and working hard and I am happy to see that my perseverance has paid off. I have received offers from multiple schools among which is the University of Essex where I hope to continue my studies. Having studied the IB Diploma I feel much more prepared for university life. Park Lane has given me invaluable skills and has opened the doors to the future I never imagined I would have. Although I am glad to have finished high school and excited to start this new chapter in my life, I will definitely remember and miss Park Lane, the teachers and the students. Now it's time for a new adventure in life!
Kristyna Zemanová
Having spent 14 years here, I dare say I've had the full Park Lane experience. It was full of ups and downs, and honestly, it almost seems surreal looking back. I remember thinking I could never make it all the way back in year 8, but here I am! Providing me with activities from actual class time to MUN to camping trips, this school never failed to keep it interesting. Although I can't wait to start studying law at Durham next year (hopefully!!), my time here will never be forgotten. In fact, looking back, I probably should've enjoyed the process a little more…Anyways, with that, good luck to all those after us and goodbye for now!
Bára Lhotáková
Looking back at my 7 years at Park Lane, I really have transformed both as a student and a person. I remember my first year at this school back in Year 7 with Mr. Ferguson as our form tutor. Suddenly, I had to adapt to a lot of responsibilities as a student and I really had a hard time doing that; I believe I only managed to turn in two homework assignments in time throughout the entire year and ran into a lot of trouble with my amazing group of friends in class. It was not easy but year after year I became just a bit more responsible, competent and mature. This progress I felt continuously - I was slowly starting to realize how Park Lane is shaping me into who I am today and how deeply it is influencing the way I behave, speak and see the world. I made life-lasting memories, priceless relationships, experienced a spectrum of feelings and learned countless lessons throughout my studies. I am grateful to my parents, teachers and everyone involved for providing me with this rare form of education.
Marek Hroch
For some time, I was undecided about what I wanted to be when I graduated. In a funny way, the pandemic helped me realize that I wanted to go into healthcare. Therefore, next year, I will be starting the paramedic science program (zdravotnické záchranářství) at the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT). My time at Park Lane taught me everything I needed to know to successfully pass IGCSE and IB, and I know that all of that will be greatly useful in the rest of my academic career. Granted, my future studies will be in Czech, but the lessons that this school and, most importantly, the teachers have taught me are not restricted to a certain language. They taught me that believing in myself and understanding that I already possess everything I need in order to achieve my goals is crucial. In the future, I hope to continue being respectful, resilient, resourceful, responsible, and a risk-taker. After all, I will always be a Park Lane learner 🙂
Jess (Jessica Stogel)
Hi, I am Mikolaj Juszczynski and I was a student of Park Lane for 5 years. I graduated in 2021 and am currently studying Applied Physics at the Technical University of Eindhoven. The education given to me at Park Lane has helped me a lot in achieving the goals I have set for myself, allowing me to receive offers from top universities in the world. The careful guidance I received from the teachers who specialize in my fields of interest - specifically Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics - was outstanding and helped me decide what path I really want to take in the future. That, combined with the honest care that all staff members have for the students, shaped me to be a young adult with a brightly lit path ahead of him. Overall, this school is an experience I will always look fondly on, and despite complaining about the IB Diploma Programme whilst I was undertaking it, I can honestly say it made me well-prepared for life.
Mikolaj Juszczynski
From the moment I entered the gate of Valdstejnska 7 years ago, I have experienced an irreplaceable journey at Park Lane. Although it brought many hard challenges to overcome and some sad moments to cry through, it was a journey that taught me countless life lessons. I have created many fun memories, built strong friendships and most importantly I have grown into the person I am today. From the academic standpoint Park Lane has given me all necessary knowledge and experience, which got me successfully accepted to University of Amsterdam, where my new journey is about to begin. It will be a big change for me to move away from my home country for the very first time, but I am very excited for a fresh start! I can’t wait to discover the beautiful city of Amsterdam and create new memories with many international students. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to study at Park Lane and I am looking forward to the new adventures ahead of me.
Terka (Tereza Nováková)